Archive for May, 2008 (It’s been deleted, thanks to shmer outing herself… twice.)

Today, 05:08 PM #1 Report Post


does this warrent neutral fb?

Ok, let me just say that I have never had any problems selling/buying here. I guess I have been jaded thinking that all ds Mamas are sweet and not shady

So more than a week ago I bought 2 items from a Mama here. When I contacted her she told me she was on vacation but the items would ship that Mon. when she returned. I offered to pay on Mon. but she assured me it wouldnt be a problem, she would remember. I paid promptly.

Days later she pmed me saying “hey I just realized that one of the items is stained, do you still want it” I do and she was kind enough to refund $2 off that item. I again asked when they should ship since it was past the time she stated originally. Again she said tomorrow.

Fast forward to today I get a IMO nasty pm saying that I should include what ive purchased in the subject line, because she didnt have time till now to figure out who I was and what I bought Well im confused. It clearly says “—–” in the subject line of all my pms.

This really upset me, I mean I have been really nice and understanding to this lady and she has not only been really nasty but has lied to me.

Ive never given neutral feedback before and I really dont want this to ruin my fb, so what should I do.

Do you think it warrants neutral?

Today, 05:10 PM #2 Report Post


Re: does this warrent neutral fb?

I’d wait and see what the products look like first.

Regardless, I’d put her on my no b/s/t list. What a jerk.

I couldn’t agree more.

Today, 05:13 PM #4 Report Post


Re: does this warrent neutral fb?

First of all, my pm was not nasty- I am more than happy to post it here to see what other mama’s think.

I have know idea what you mean about vacation as I was not on one and I don’t recall making you wait to pay.

I was nice enough to repay you when I found a stain and felt terrible.

I am a mother and my son comes first! I am sorry I took 2 extra days getting them out. I had to shuffle through 4 mama’s on here who did not put what they bought or their DS name on pp and I needed to figure out what went where.

Again, I was never trying to be rude.

If anyone has any questions regarding who was correct on this I will absolutely post every pm between us- I was not wrong or rude!

Today, 05:14 PM #5 Report Post


Re: does this warrent neutral fb?

I am sorry mama, you need to leave whatever YOU feel is warranted. IMO she shouldn’t have gotten Rude at all, she is the seller and should’ve made sure everything was good to go before even listing for sale, secondly, she should’ve checked the pp payment and had she done this she could’ve figured out sooner nd Pm’d you to match you to the payment. ftr, i like to add the iinfo and my username to both the notes and message of the payment, sometimes it doesn’t show up though pp i am not sure why btu i leave it in both spots now too. if you paid immediately, she has no reason to leave YOU anything less than a positive feedback no matter what you leave her.

Today, 05:24 PM #11 Report Post


Re: does this warrent neutral fb?


Originally Posted by cherisbabies View Post

Look it was never my intention to hurt anyones feelings, because really my were hurt by the pm. I would have never called anyone out either.

I just checked my email notification and clearly stated is the items bought, so I did state it on the pp and on pms.

That em notification was from when I refunded you the $2 and wrote what it was in the subject line….I sent you the link to what I received and in the subject line is your real name and in the notes it says thank you.

Somehow, I don’t think shmer is going to be happy leaving anything close to a positive for this buyer. I, for one, would like to see the PMs… even though they are private and not to be shared per the rules of DS. (insert eye rolling smiley here)

Can we get a POC forum up in here?

Well, it was bound to be brought up sooner or later. It’s just too bad that the wording and wishes of the original poster brought in a flurry of “isn’t this racist?” and “this is segregation!” types of responses because she states she doesn’t want non POC people to respond to the posts. Way to go…

naivete 05-26-2008 05:04 PM

Can we get a POC forum up in here?

Many other boards have them, a group for women or people of color (or parents of children of color) to discuss the issues they go through that other people may not be able to relate to and really should not be able to chime in on since they have never and will never experience it?

Why oh why, was such a good idea tainted by such idiotic words. YES, it would be wonderful to have a place for POC and parents of POC to gather and talk about something that would ordinarily be buried rather than responded to, just because no POC were around to see the question/comment. However, that doesn’t mean a non POC shouldn’t be able to chime in, or wouldn’t want to get some advice from a group of POC.

Some think it’s cyber-segregation, but it’s really just a place for POC to ask questions about dealing with POC related issues, and yes, there can be special POC related issues. I was around MDC long enough to know that they exist, even if many people think everyone is the same.

Would it REALLY be that bad to have one that wasn’t exclusive to POC?

Ok so it has been brought to our attention that there is a mom on DS buying up all the GM switchboxes and whatever other boxes GM sells and doubling the price and selling them on DS.

It seems that she is buying them, inflating prices, and then being bitchy when people try to talk to her about it.

She also ordered 40BGs AND elbies this past few weeks… watch for those on FS soon too.

Oh I forgot to add, she was a total BITCH to another DS member who is unable to have children, telling her that there is a reason that some women can’t have children. All b/c she was questioned about getting a few at her cost since the other mama was doing her a favor too.

Nice. Just nice.

Another lady for the Do Not B/S/T list.

Originally posted by: eden/averymumm
what to do about a bad seller?

I paid almost 4 weeks ago and the seller claims she still hasn’t mailed the package. she has 5 other negataive feedbacks left since I paid.

I left feedback, but in terms of reporting the seller…what do I do? here is the seller in question. She is NOT banned as of right now. Her siggie reads “PLEASE EMAIL ME, my inbox is too full and i haven’t had time to figure out what’s important and what’s not. I’m not avoiding anyone i’m trying to get everything in order I just started working and am very busy. PLEASE do not think I’m ignoring on purpose.”

Take a look at her FB and tell me what you think!

It never seems to send, it should be called the never ending scammer protection on DS…

(please ignore the errors in this post, I am having issues with the HTML on this thing)

This thread took a bad turn IMO. It is sure to be deleted soon too…

The OP has in effect been scammed, and people are jumping on her?!

Written by tranmama:

My first bad transaction

I have not yet received a diaper that I paid for on March 27. I don’t know enough about bad transactions and dispute resolutions, things like that, to know that I only had 45 days to file a claim with Paypal. I’m a few days passed the deadline now. I paid $50 and have nothing to show for it. The communication has been close to nada, not counting all the emails I have received from her friend. I got an email 2 weeks ago, and it was polite. She asked that I please wait until her DH gets paid to file a claim or she can send me a money order for a refund (no bank acct tied to her Paypal). I just feel sick right now, and so angry at myself for being so patient, and even angrier at myself for not educating myself on how to handle bad transactions.

It seems to me, that this mama has done all she can and is entitled to leave appropriate feedback for being out 50 for 2 months? Wouldn’t you think?

Well it got even more odd! A friend of the other party sent her $50 as a “refund” but it wasn’t a refund, just a payment to her PP address. She chose to refuse the payment b/c #1 it took fees out and #2 it wasn’t from the person who owed her…

I can’t believe DS moms are jumping on the OP! It is horrible.

For once I actually agree with Peach (ugh)

Originally Posted by ~Peach~

Dont be sorry that people just don’t get it. I and I’m sure many other mamas don’t blame you for handling the situation that you did. You are just trying to make sure you wouldn’t end up screwed again and I don’t blame you. I hope you get your $$ back and if you don’t please reconsider the negative fb

This “friend” could claim she never got the item she “paid for” and do a charge-back.

But here are some if what I would call the “ignorant” comments made to tranmama:

Originally Posted by mamaofthezoo

She had a friend communicate when she herself could not. She had her friend send you $50, but you sent it back because of fees. She has offered you a refund with no proof that you have not received the diaper. And you are going to leave a neutral?

It sounds to me that she did her best with communicating and has tried a lot of options to make sure you were a satisfied customer and not out your money.

I am flabbergasted at how easily people leave neutrals and negatives around here. Especially when the majority of us know how Canada post flips and flops.

Originally Posted by xxxvolc0mxchikxx

you are so awesome!~…….patients is a fricking virtue ladies!!!….YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT SOMEONE IS GOING THROUGH—–

and to just snap and be a snarky *** ***** by LEAVING NEGATIVE feedback instantly. is ridiculous!—–im glad things are getting resolved momma…and until they dont….you are doing the right thing…..BUT if she doesnt follow through- you know what to do! at that point you should leave neg. feedback!….

INSTANT negative feedback? You have got to be kidding me! It has been 2 farking months people! Damn! You would be pissed off too!


OK, this was posted by Birdof1985 (

feedback question

I purchased something from a canadian mom almost 2m ago on here. She didnt have anything to show me she actually mailed the item when i asked. I told her id be happy to wait and she even gave a refund, i didnt ask- she offered. I told her id wait til mid May ( i gave her the exact date id wait for the item) and at that point it would of been 2m from the date of sending money and then id leave neutral fb.. well still no item, but do you think i should still leave neutral FB?

OK SERIOUSLY? This is coming from someone who had HUGE paypal issues over the last few weeks and expected mamas to cut her slack?? (for reference: )

The mama she has decided to leave a neutral or negative, hasn’t yet, for OFFERED A REFUND WITHOUT BEING ASKED. What else can she do? Send more product and a refund? Would that make Birdof1985 happy?

Not too many people think she should leave neutral or negative feedback, but she has decided NOT to listen to the masses and is going to “going to leave what i feel is fitting to the end of the situation”.
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.
She has made my Do NOT B/S/T list for sure. What else could have been done? Isn’t just no feedback better in this case? Or positive with details?
We all know how bad the Canadian Post is… and how impossible it is to track or get insurance.

I just feel bad for the seller. I hope she leaves a negative for Bird.

DSDM2 and I got some emails regarding the fact that Harper will no longer be stocking or in business. All posts on DS regarding this have been deleted, so I really have nothing on it…

Anyone care to share details/links/etc? I’ll add them up here.

This isn’t the first thread about this in the last 24 hours. I noticed one yesterday too, but it seems to have “vanished” (big surprise).

I am ASSuming that this is the mama in question:

Or is it this one:

What is it with allowing these women to stay at DS? Why can’t the rules actually be the rules? I mean, if you are going to have them, shouldn’t we all have to abide by them?

Why isn’t this mom banned? MommyPatton521 has negatives, 3 actually, all in a short amount of time. No matter what her feedback was, she is scamming now. We all remember the Dixie/Michelle/Dixie Drops thing. She had great feedback… then turned scamming bitch.

What about this one:


Why is the feedback about the scammer not posted?

Yesterday a member left feedback about a scammer in the wahm feedback section. Very shorty after I left a good review about another wahm. These have to be approved first. Mine was up in a very short time. Where is the feedback in the wahm section about the scammer? Am I missing something?


DS needs to stop protecting the scammers. OUT THEM. Let people talk about it. It will make for a safer community.


I am getting tired of having to approve and change your name on each post you post. It is getting annoying.

Own up to who you are. Stop hiding like usual. We know that you are Sam the owner of Diaper Traders. We know you aren’t a fan of BGs or DS. We know that you like to poke at people. We know that your board sucks and that is why you are here. Your drama isn’t even worth making the blog, which is why we don’t blog about It is full of scammers and trash.

You are welcome to post here, just STOP using different names.
